
Algebraic Notation – A Chess Tracking System

Algebraic notation is a system that is used in the game of chess to keep track of player's moves. This is done primarily to avoid disputes and keep an accurate count of all the moves that have been played. Algebraic notation is today the most common system that is used for chess notations and it is the system that is accepted by the World Chess Federation (FIDE).

Chess algebraic notations provide a number and a letter to denote each space and each piece on the chess board. It is important to familiarize yourself with these notations before you begin playing. In algebraic notation, the pieces are denoted by a capital letter: King is K, Queen is Q, Bishop is B, Rook is R and Knight is N (as the K has already been used by the King). Pawns are not denoted by a capital letter, but rather by the absence of one as only one pawn can move to each square.

In order to denote a square on the board, the board is divided into a grid with the vertical lines or files being indicated with the letters A-H (starting from the White's left to right) and the horizontal lines or ranks being indicated with a number 1 through 8 (starting from the White's home rank). For example, if a bishop moves to e5, that move would be indicated as Be5. If a pawn moves to e4, it will be indicated simply as e4.

If a piece is captured, this will need to be indicated through the algebraic notation system. This is done with an X. For example: if a knight captures a piece on f3, the chess algebraic notation will read Nxf3. A capture may also be indicated by a colon, such as N:f3 or even Nf3:. If a pawn achieves promotion this is indicated after the move is denoted, such as e1B or e1Q. Castling is denoted by 0-0 for kingside castling or 0-0-0 for queenside castling. Check is denoted by + or a dagger or β€œch”, while check mate is denoted by ++ or a double dagger or, more commonly #.

There are a number of benefits of algebraic notation. Firstly, it is simple to learn how to use. This is important for those who are new to the game as well as those who are not; it makes it quicker to note down and to follow. Secondly, it is a means which players can look back at a previous game and replay it in order to improve their chess play.

Some players will analyze a game after it has been played and enter the algebraic notations into algebraic notation software programs. These software algebraic notation programs will then analyze what has been entered and point out mistakes or situations in which the player could have played a better move. This results in a great benefit of using chess algebraic notations as these online algebraic notation software tools are a fantastic way to improve your game.
