
Decoy Chess Move – A Tactical Chess Move

If you are new to chess, the chess decoy move and other tactical or strategic sequences that good players use to win games may seem extremely complicated. But actually most of these tactics are based on just a couple of basic concepts used in an ingenious and persistent fashion. Tactical and strategic chess knowledge and will broaden your frame of reference and help you win more games.

In chess, using a decoy move is the tactic of ensnaring a piece, usually the queen or king, by leaving it no option but to move to a poisoned square with a sacrifice on that square. Once occupying this unfavorable square, this chess piece will soon be lost or it disturbs the coordination of other pieces so that the opponent will be able to capture one of these.

Blockade is a tactical decoy method. With this special type of decoy move the player forces his or her opponent to block the way of another, more important piece (often the queen or king) of their own with a piece like a bishop or a rook. The defender then becomes the object of attack.

Another type of decoy you can use is a chess tactic decoy called the discovered attack. This happens when you advance 1 of your pieces out of the way of another so that both pieces make separate attacks against your opponent’s material. Again, he only has time to deal with one of the threats at a time. You will then normally play out the other attack on your next move.

You can also always trick your opponent by using the chess fork — this is a decoy move where 1 of your chess pieces attacks 2 of the opponent’s pieces at the same time. You should have seen examples of knight forks if you have been playing chess for a while; the knight usually lends itself to advances in which it could attack 2 pieces at once. But you can also use the same idea and executed it with your queen or with other pieces.

If you cannot use a decoy, you can use another group of tactical ideas that involves the skewer or pin. You can use the pin or skewer when 2 of your enemy’s chess pieces are on the same line and you place an attacker piece so that it runs through both of them.

There are, of course, also countless other situations that may be grouped under the heading of removing the guard or defender, in which you capture an opponent piece that guards or defends something else you want to take. Your opponent cannot defend both threats at once, which means you are able to play one of them or the other.

In effect, chess games are competitions to see who can find a way to use a decoy or one of these other tactical techniques first. One successful fork or discovery, or skewer, etc. can often decide a game by awarding one player a great advantage over the other. This is why Richard Teichmann stated that the game of chess is 99% tactics; and it is also why mastery of chess tactics, including the decoy, is the key to having great fun on the chessboard, not to even mention winning.
